I rarely dare to lose

I rarely dare to lose

'To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself' - Søren Kierkegaard

I think most people (me included) try to avoid losing in life. 
But the greatest loss must be the one that is unavoidable. 
The one that is out of our control. 
The one that makes us lose control. 
The greatest loss is when we lose control of ourselves. 
Or when we lose ourselves. 

I try to practice my loss: 

I am losing the control over my piece when I invite the viewer to interact with it. And the viewer may feel like they are losing control, when they are invited to interact with it. I invite us to lose together, and to gain the experience of loss. By repeating the experience of loss, we may learn to deal with loss or start to reflect upon the meaning of loss.  

Can a harmless game of interacting with an art piece 'teach' us how to deal with the reality of loss?
